Trip Prep

I was asked recently how long it takes to prepare for a long trip. Our Oregon road trip is a bit different from previous ones because we are not flying. So, being interested myself to know how long it took, I made a list.

Preparation Task                                              Time (hrs)

General vehicle check and maintenance             1

General admin’ tasks (i.e. pay bills, stop mail)    0.5

Change rear brake rotors                                       4

Change front brake rotors and pads                      4

Clear up balcony                                                    0.5

Shopping                                                                 15

Set up plants and lighting timer                             0.5

Clean apartment                                                      2

Packing                                                                    10

Loading vehicle                                                       1.5

Final leaving tasks                                                   1

I get 40 hours. This of course was spread over several weeks and is likely an underestimate. Obviously then, getting ready for a trip takes a lot longer than you might think.

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